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Сообщения, опубликованные don-mika

  1. Так Скайрим это.

    Чтобы заремастерить третий фолл или обливион, нужно дофига работы, уж очень страшно они выглядят по современным меркам. А у Скайрима достаточно поменять разрешение текстурок на повыше, анимация всегда одна, прикрутить пару-тройку эффектов и готово.

    К тому же Обливион или Морровинд, по сути делать с нуля, слишком дорогое удовольствие.

  2. EA Chief Executive Officer Andrew Wilson:

    “And then we have Mass Effect: a whole new Mass Effect story emerging, a fan favorite. As a category role playing games or RPGs continues to grow and break beyond what was the core gamer audience. We’ve seen other games in the category do this, and we believe that Mass Effect will do that.”


    Я вот не понял вот это «break beyond what was the core gamer audience», в еа нащупал новое дно?

  3. У меня все больше скепсиса по отношению к Андромеде. У игры за два года до релиза нету сценариста, и это почему-то хорошо. Руководитель проекта не имеет отношения к разработке, и это тоже странным образом хорошо.

    Много странностей вокруг игры. Абсолютно не понятно кто ее делает.

    • Не согласен 1
    • Поддерживаю 3

  4. Известный инсайдер Шиноби про МЕ:А





    >So things are going smoothly with development then? Between the delay and management changes, I was worried they might've had to redesign half the game.


    More than fine, they're well on track from what I'm told. The game's playable from beginning to end. The delay is only by a few months for extra polish and there really hasn't been any management changes. Chris Wynn was a senior development director and not really in charge of creative ideas, and he was only on the team for about 18 months. Schlerf was lead writer and his role was pretty much done before he left. They've brought on some good talent in the meantime too, including from Naughty Dog.

    Having seen a decent chunk of gameplay in action, I think people are going to love what they see. It looks fucking amazing.


    >Comparable to BF1?


    Well, we haven't really seen legitimate Battlefield 1 gameplay yet so that's hard to say. I don't think it'll be comparable, DICE are masters at their own engine. It's a huge step up from DAI though, some things are comparable to Battlefront, and Bioware's implemented things in Frostbite 3 that even DICE hadn't yet, so they're no slouch in the technical department. The explorable spaces in Andromeda are massive so it's hard to compare directly to Battlefield.


    Character models look incredible. Animations are a huge upgrade too.


    >Do you know if the Schlerf departure was amicable? Did he just want to move on?


    Well, that's an employee related issue so that kind of stuff isn't really shared with me, but it sounded amicable to me.


    >Good to hear about animations. Hopefully they don't reuse them too much, it was always so annoying to see the same animations used all over the place in the trilogy.

    So much that when they actually DID make new animations, it was like a miracle. Like when Kasumi climbed and jumped onto that helicopter in her DLC.


    Yea they're specifically trying to address the repeating animations in the last trilogy. It's really to do with the limited memory of old gen. They've implemented a lot of new techniques for Andromeda.

    And I was mostly talking about facial animation too. It's a huge step up. Pleasantly surprised.


    >Maybe you have already answered this but how does the game compare to DA:I? Not in terms of graphics but in terms of how the game plays, how it's structured etc


    Can't really comment on specifics but there are things that are similar to DAI but much more that's very different.


    >Hey, Shinobi, do you have any idea who's been tapped to do the score? I'm curious if they're going with the same set of guys from ME3, if they're at all likely to get back Jack Wall (who did 1/2 but was passed over for 3), etc.


    No idea, but I will say the music was very reminiscent of the original Mass Effect. I immediately thought of ME1 when I heard it. So good.

    In fact from everything I saw, all I could think of was "This is what Mass Effect 1 was envisioned to be."


    >Eh... on one hand if the game is mostly about exploring big uncharted worlds, that's cool. But on the other hand, having big, empty environments that simultaneously felt really static is what killed the exploration in Inquisition for me. I guess the ME team has an easier job of it though since they have the Mako to utilize in traversing larger areas which works a bit better than Inquisition where your party members magically disappeared while you rode your slower than molasses horse. Really depends on how atmospheric BioWare can make all these worlds.


    Like I said in the other thread, I saw as many things to do and discover in one planet here as I did the whole lot of side planets on ME1 lol. The Mako is fast, hence the big environments.



    >I'll believe it when I see it. Or rather, I'll be curious as to how consistent the animations are. One of the huge problems I had with Inquisition was how some cutscenes would be really solid but then you'd get tons of dialogue and conversations where they didn't bother with any cinematics and barely any facial animations. That whole Skyrim approach to conversations really bothered me in Inquisition and I hope its not something BioWare sticks with going forward.


    Sure, judge it when you see it. But I was pleasantly surprised at how improved facial animations were. Bioware's used a lot of improved techniques this time around. A key issue they've wanted to tackle is specifically that: repeated animations and breaking immersion. Of course, that doesn't meant there are a million animations in the game, but, thanks to focusing on current hardware, there's a lot more that's possible. I think people will be pleased.


    • Поддерживаю 2

  5. Продолжу снова тут. На Полигоне вышла классная статья в которой рассказывается история DontNod, их видение игр и т.п. Интересно http://www.polygon.com/2016/4/25/11473076/vampyr-dontnod-life-is-strange

    Мне понравилось, что они прямо говорят "Мы не хотим выпускать ААА игры, мы уже один раз попали в этот капкан. Мы делаем игры для узкой аудитории, хотим быть как HBO в игровой индустрии."

  6. На Котаку в новой статье, описали ситуацию как будет работать система кармы. Выбора поступить хорошо или плохо- не будет. Будет только уровень "плохих поступков" (убийств), и чем выше эта шкала- тем больше способностей будет доступно игроку (тем больше он будет вампиром). "Хорошие поступки"- никак не поощряются. Игрок ничего не получится от того, что не будет никого убивать (в плане геймплея), только отыгрыш.



  7. Без сюрпризов. Выглядит как Mass Effect. Играется как Mass Effect. Со сценарием там тоже вполне все предсказуемо.

    Оно может и хорошо. Поэтому меня больше интересует новый IP.


    Походу лица персонажей будут такие же уродские, как в DA:I =/

    Тот же движок, те же проблемы.

  8. Еще минус один Lead из команды Андромеды

    Не знаю где это писать, потому напишу тутА



    В апреле старший редактор Mass Effect: Andromeda покинет студию BioWare


    Похоже, что разработка Mass Effect: Andromeda переживает не лучшие времена. Пару месяцев назад BioWare покинул директор игры Крис Винн, за которым последовал сценарист Andromeda Кристофер Шлерф.


    Теперь же о своей скорой отставке объявил старший редактор. Кэмерон Харрис написал об уходе в Twitter, добавив, что уходит из игровой индустрии вообще, чтобы попробовать себя в других направлениях. Какие бы ни были цели у Харриса, его уход — серьезный удар для BioWare.


    Ветеран игровой индустрии успел поработать над многими проектами, среди которых — следующие игры: Gears of War 3, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guild Wars 2, Dragon Age: Inquisition и, разумеется, Mass Effect: Andromeda.



    Все очень плохо.
