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Только решили похоронить Age of Conan, как мне на почту пришло такое письмо:






Saga Server Opening Early 2018


In early 2018, we will be introducing a saga server to Age of Conan. A saga server is a unique server that is live for a limited period of time and comes with unique rewards for completing objectives. All players will start with a fresh, new character that will be transferred to Crom after the saga server’s live period ends, along with any earned rewards. Players will be able to claim rewards on a single character of their choosing.


We’ll be releasing more details as the launch date draws closer. Until then, get ready for the Saga of Zath - launching in early 2018!


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In early 2018, we will be introducing a saga server to Age of Conan. A saga server is a unique server that is live for a limited period of time and comes with unique rewards for completing objectives. All players will start with a fresh, new character that will be transferred to Crom after the saga server’s live period ends, along with any earned rewards

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Думато не сделают они синглплеерную игру, профиль у них не тот. Кстати кто в их выживастик играет? Фризы победили?


Только решили похоронить Age of Conan, как мне на почту пришло такое письмо:






Saga Server Opening Early 2018


In early 2018, we will be introducing a saga server to Age of Conan. A saga server is a unique server that is live for a limited period of time and comes with unique rewards for completing objectives. All players will start with a fresh, new character that will be transferred to Crom after the saga server’s live period ends, along with any earned rewards. Players will be able to claim rewards on a single character of their choosing.


We’ll be releasing more details as the launch date draws closer. Until then, get ready for the Saga of Zath - launching in early 2018!


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